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Voucher Details
Jockey e-Voucher INR 1000
4,000 coins
Total Coins:0
Voucher Description

Jockey e-Voucher will be received as an alphanumeric code and a QR code.

The person who has the Jockey e-Voucher is deemed to be the beneficiary.
e-Voucher will only be accepted on the websitehttps://www.jockey.in/
Maximum of 3 e-Vouchers can be used against one bill
This is a ONE time use e-Voucher.
No Credit note / Refund for the unused amount of the e-Voucher will be given.
Jockey e-Voucher CANNOT be revalidated once expired.
The e-Voucher has been issued subject to terms of the company
Jockey e-Voucher can be clubbed with any on-going promotions on the website. However the e-Voucher cannot be clubbed with any other coupon/s
Jockey e-Voucher cannot be redeemed on specific block out dates. Jockey may add or delete any date on its sole discretion.
If an e-Voucher get blocked on account of technical issue, it would get enabled in 72 hours.
In case of transaction failures after e-Voucher is applied, amount would be automatically refunded to the same cards within 48 hours
Any dispute related to the e-Voucher should be referred to the issuing company and the decision of the issuing company shall be final.
In case of any legal disputes, the courts at Bangalore shall have the exclusive jurisdiction
Jockey makes full efforts to accept e-Voucher, but on account of any technical / administrative reasons an outlet may refuse to accept the same.
Jockey reserves the right to withdraw e-Voucher scheme/offer before the completion of validity period without any notice or liability at its sole discretion.
In no event the liability of Jockey for any claims shall exceed the value of the e-Voucher in dispute.

In case of any other problem you can write to evouchers@payback.in or Call on 1800 103 3315 (from 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM)
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