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Skullcandy e-Gift Voucher Rs.2000
8,000 coins
Total Coins:0
Voucher Description
A perfect blend of style and substance, Skullcandy offers earphones and headphones that offer an amazing listening experience to music lovers. From a pair of earphones that minimizes signal loss to the ones that you can easily detect through a mobile app, every product from this brand has innovation at its core.
Terms and Conditions:- This E-Gift Voucher can be redeemed at online website- https://www.skullcandy.in/. This EGV is valid for upto 6 months from the date of issue.
- On redeeming E-Gift Voucher ,the user has to pay the remaining amount via rest pay-modes.
- Only 1 E-Gift Vouchers can be used in single Invoice Bill.Multiple Vouchers cant be used in single invoice
- This EGV is for Single Use only.ie Partial redemption is not allowed and any remaining amount in the Voucher will not be refunded.
- This EGV can be clubbed with existing offers at store
- Refund of money against the voucher will not be entertained.
- Brand Eyes (Skullcandy) will not replace or reimburse the value of your EGV if it’s lost, stolen, damaged or expired.
- For any query or issue in redeeming voucher user can write to customercare@brandeyes.in or 011-42700400.
- Responsibility of Accentiv shall be limited only up to the delivery of EGV to the final customer.
- Accentiv shall not be held responsible for any misuse, theft, transfer, etc. occurred after delivery of the said EGV.

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